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Projekt Nr. 22/2019

13. INTERNATIONALES ADVENTSFEST in der St. Josefskirche am Kahlenberg

Sonntag, 1. Dezember 2019, Heilige Messe 16 Uhr, Konzert 16.30 Uhr

Fotos: Jan Beklen
















Künstlerische Leitung und Dirigent: Michal Kucharko


BEGRÜSSUNG: Rektor Pater Roman Krekora CR

Georg Friedrich Händel (1685-1759) 

 MESSIAH (Auswahl)

               Sinfonia (Orchestervorspiel)

               Comfort ye my people – Accompagnato (Tenor)

               Ev’ry valley shall be exalted – Arie (Tenor)

               And the glory, the glory of the Lord – Chor

               I know that my Redeemer liveth – Arie (Sopran)

               For unto us a Child is born – Chor

               Behold, and see if there be any sorrow – Arioso (Tenor)

               He was cut off out oft the land – Accomagnato (Tenor)

               But Thou didst not leave – Arie (Tenor)

               How beautiful are the feet – Arie (Sopran)

               He that dwelleth in heaven – Rezitativ (Tenor)

               Thou shalt break them – Arie (Tenor)

               Hallelujah! – Chor


               Pifa – Pastoralsinfonie

               Przybieżeli do Betlejem

               Gdy się Chrystus rodzi

               Stała nam się nowina miła

               Gore gwiazda Jezusowi

               Gdy śliczna Panna

               Przy onej górze


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